Thursday, February 27, 2014

Betelnut Chewing Evolution

Betelnut Chewing Evolution

Betel nut chewing; a Palauan culture that has been practiced for many decades.  The basic ingredients per chew is; 1/2 betel nut fruit, some lime powder or pasted, piece of Piper Leave.  Chewing has become modern, lime containers now have better upgrades, and more selections of chewing condiments.  Chewers are able to spice their chewing with Gloves , cardamon seeds, ginger (cooking ingredients), filters (coffee filters), piper leaves and tobacco.You also have an option of either Lime powder or paste.  Mortar and pestles were called out-dated and antique betel nut tools when pliers were invented.

#1 Reason Why You Should Scuba Dive in Palau

#1 Reason Why You Should Scuba Dive in Palau

Located 7 degrees North of the equator, Palau is famous for it's abundance and diversity of marine life.  It's tropical weather and crystal clear water enables you to take a peek of the underwater wonders before you plunge yourself in the water.  Snorkels were created to pair up with diving mask for non-divers like me, so we can all enjoy the beauty of Palau's Underwater World!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Hey, what's up?

I know we see each other every week for CG, but we are so busy in our groups that we don't keep up with anything else. Why don't you check in once in a while? Did you read the poem from MJ? It was nice to hear from her, and the poem wasn't bad either.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Happy Holidays

Greetings fellow students of SDSU, Since MJ's class is finished, i was hoping we continue using the blog to post some of our christmas and new year's experiences. Better yet, lets continue using the blog until the end of our program for support and sharing reasons. I really enjoyed reading some of the blogs and I do hope we can continue to post.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Sharing is Caring

by Melanie, Kubarii, and Lou Ann

We chose to do our instructional package on Palauan Culture because we see teacher's needs of these information. In class today, we realized that we all have the same concerns since most of our presentations were about preserving Palauan cultures. As some of us had stated during our presentations, we had learned a lot more than we expected. So why don't we post up our final projects here or somewhere where we all have an easy access to? The instructional packages we created for this class are useful for every teacher, so let's share. Let's share how to preserve our traditional cultures.

Mayl, do we have the site yet or not?

Monday, December 14, 2009

Christmas is around the corner..

I would like to take this opportunity to say Merry Christrmas and Happy New Year to everyone. Our journey is half way done, so if you feel yourself tired try your best to complete this journey with your classmates and friends. As the great Bob Marley sang it in his song entitiled Redemption Song, " Emancipate yourself from mental slavery cause not but ourselves can free out mind."

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Happy Holidays

Hello All, I just want to say HAPPY HOLIDAYS and take care.