Sunday, November 22, 2009

Blogging This Week (Thanksgiving!)

Alli!I won't ask you to share what you are thankful for!
Please post a update after your group work, reporting what you accomplished and what are your questions or challenges with the final project.
Also, a note for all bloggers: Please write your name at the end of your post, especially, if you use a pen name such as AaliyahAlana, BLADE, Dirra. We like to know who you are!


Magaria said...

Thanksgiving Week! Hello MJ and happy Thanksgiving from our group.

We've had quite a challenge coming up with the questions we need for our group. We tried using the Gagne's information and the Bloom's Taxonomy verbs that we chose to use sequentially in our guide to create proper products at its level and technologically oriented at least. We met again last Friday for 3 hours on our instructor's guide. We will hope to get a feedback from the guide we did.
We hope by now, you have received a little change we have proposed for our final proposal (it was only matter of using the write words) we decided to eliminate those little portions we have edited. (Frutoso) Toto was assigned to email to you those changes we made and we hope to receive a feedback from you.


Magaria, Thelma, Frutoso, Kerungil, Valentine
(The Silent Group)

frutoso said...

Happy and warm thanksgiving to you MJ and all Biib bloggers, thanks for all the good and positive blogs from everyone. I thank you you because I'm learning alot from all the blogs. Our group has been working hard to finalize our proposal. We hope we can be able complete it on time. Thanks and enjoy your delicious turkeys. More blogging later.

frutoso from silent group

Minjuan said...

Glad to hear. Turkey was delicious. I had an early-thanksgiving dinner (one day before). So today, I am staying home to finish work.-:)

Minjuan said...

Dear Magaria, I just graded the proposal your team uploaded with comments. See the Gradebook. I did not receive anything from Frutoso. Please resend. Thank you.

Aileen said...

During our group work we were able to finish our final project proposal and also began working on the instructor guidelines. It was a little confusing at first at what we should actually do, but after looking at the samples, we now have a clear picture of what we want to include in our instructional package.

Joanne, Osamu, and Donna