Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Is technology the answer?

I ask this question because I'm beginning to doubt the quality and the quantity of educational services we educators provide. I remember back in the day when teachers physically demonstrated certain task or discipline because of the limited resources. Now, teachers don't teach anymore. They are asked to facilitate learning by providing all necessary information, materials, technological assistance. And with growing dependency and reliance on technology, teachers are moving toward an era where their services are no longer physically required but only there should question arise. Is technology on the verge of becoming a key to educational success for without such, one could not succeed in life? Because for us Bibbers, it seems that way. What you think?..... comment please........


frutoso said...

Lester, I think that's a good analogy you got there. Let not forget our role as educators that we are tranferring knowledge to the learners and that the use of technology is just one of those tools that we use to better serve that purpose. I think some of us Biibers think that its the center of everything these days, no its not, you as an educator can do it by any means as long as the knowledge is absorbed by the receiver, I think. Thanks Lester

AaliyahAlana said...

Lest, the answer to your question is it really depends on your view as an individual. What do you want to get out of technology? Or, do you just want to lay back and let it fly by you without so much learn some of its tricks? It's a tool like what Frutoso said and it can stay in the tool box and collect spider web if you don't like to use it.