Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Education Vs Television

Have you notice how advance students are when it comes to new musics, movies, and technologies? How ghetto life and gangsta rappers influences most of their daily activities and their learning. I have seen students acting like 2pac, Akon, or any of those use to be gangsters who either school drop outs or been to jailed.

How is it that we cannot control our students learning in the way a television does. My students can recite a relics of a Miley Cirus music but cannot recite their multiplication table? How is it, that students can learn bad habbits but takes a miracle to teach them good habbits? Most importantly, how is it that most or more than half of students in a school don't even care about their education even with constant reminders from teachers on how important it is?

Is our teaching method not effective? I believe that their is no right teaching method to teach the students. Students know a days have to much freedom, both at home and at school. Going to the principal's office was a scary trip when I was still in elementary. Because I know that the principal will bit my hand with his stainless yard stick and after school when I go home, I get even worst bitting from my parents.

Off course it hurts, but we were well diciplined and well educated. We know our responsibilities and we get disciplined when we go off track from those responsibilities. Even at home, My brother and sister and myself cannot watch Television after 9:00 PM and we have to be asleep at 9:30 PM. Because of this, we were well behaved in school and more responsible.

I have students who sleeps in class because they watched Television until late night. I got a student who skip class because he played Playstation until morning. I even got students who call each other on the phone and stay online for hours instead of doing their homework or studying for test. I believe that parents treatment to their kids have a big influence on their daily life in school. If you strickly set curfew for their kids and monitor them when they're doing homework and studying for test. When Parents becomes actively involved with their childs education then the child can improve his grade in school. Remember the first teacher for the child is his or her parents.


Diliwal said...

The failure of our students and the system is all because we as a nation deemed our own system and tradition as inferior to that of a culture and system not our own. I am who i am today because of two things: a monosasi (ruler) and a duct tape. yep, those where my teacher.

frutoso said...

Thanks for the good advice and reminders however, I think it is still a challenge that we have to cope with and continue to improve and seek the better solutions and good examples to show them and of course we're doing it already, we just have to be more patient.

Dirratumerang said...

I'd like to try and use their interests in teaching my reading class. What do you think about using rap lyrics in poetry? Or Teen Magazine for information articles or biographies? Maybe I should videotape my lessons or burn pictures of lessons on CDs for them. Instead of lectures, they can watch me on their flat screen t.v. or listen to me on their mp3. Hey, they don't even have to attend class. Oh! I don't even have to attend class either. Let their parents stay home to be with them, watch over them, encourage them, entertain them, etc. etc. I'll have more time for my taro patch and to study for my SDSU classes until the next assignment. Are you with me?

essie said...

Well students nowadays are good with technologies. Teaching using power point with some pictures added on each slide show really motive students. But you know what, we need to be very careful with the cell phones rules because the students are using it in cheating even the ipod. Student recorded all the questions and answes, listening to it in class. So, teachers be careful with the new technologies, if you are a teacher and don't understand technologies, you either upgrade yourself or shipped out from your professionalism.

essie said...

Maybe we should try the Universal Design for Learning Guidelines such as representation, expression and engagement. We need to provide optionf for perceptions, language and symbols,comprehension, physical action, expressive skills and fluency, executive functions, recruiting interest, sustaining effort and persistence, and self regulations. We need to provide multiple means of representation (the what of learning), expression (the how of learning), engagement ( the why of learning).