Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Is It Just Me?

Is it just me or have you noticed that the moment we get up every seconds goes by rather quickly. People seem to think that the island life is so layed back and basically at a snail pace. Being an educator, it seems that every seconds of my time is precious. I dfo admire those people who take moments each day to reflect on the events of their day. Sometimes I wish I could stop the clock from ticking and do all I can. There are days I feel revived after a long day but, on some days I don't have the energy to last a day.


Anonymous said...

I guess everyone feels that way! I think it's that fact that we have to wake up early to go to work, and our work involves a lot of time and energy along with the fact that we have evening classes to attend. As long as we are busy for the whole day and half of the evening, time flies real fast.

Pioria said...

I agree how time is somehow getting shorter than before. How we are always busy everyday and it seems that we never have enough time to finish everything we want to do. Let us do whatever we can do for a day without over stressing ourselves. Remember: Our health and family are more important than anything else in this world. Take care everyone so that we can see each other tomorrow.

Minjuan said...

Yes many feel that way. The reality of living. However, being in Palau was a nice change for me. Life is still much peaceful, natural, and slower there.