Sunday, November 15, 2009

what's wrong?

Has technology taken control of our kids? It seems that they learn more from the net then they do in class. Some older teachers have no clue on what to do and our kids don't have a hard time getting on the net. Like some elders would say, "our future is in our kids hand." Our kids are getting a head start on that.


frutoso said...

Indeed, kids today have no problem with technology, why, because they are digital natives, they were born to it, grow up in it and that what makes them so good at it, so what do we do? That is what we need to aquire in this EDTEC courses and more to that through other trainings to cope with it in order to be able to better serve our students, because they are the future.

frutoso said...

Indeed, kids today have no problem with technology, why, because they are digital natives, they were born to it, grow up in it and that what makes them so good at it, so what do we do? That is what we need to aquire in this EDTEC courses and more to that through other trainings to cope with it in order to be able to better serve our students, because they are the future.

Melanie said...

Technology...Umm...Yes, the kids today are getting way ahead in technology. And one funniest thing that I had seen in my class in 8th grade is that the students are in their own world of technology that when I asked them the technology in the ancient civilizations, they couldn't name one. Technology to them means computer, ipod, mp3, and such items. I asked them to think of a traditional technology but they couldn't name one. So, I gave them an example - irrigation and agriculture. That was all they wrote. When I quiz them, they all wrote "irrigation" and "agriculture." From this, I am thinking that maybe the next lesson is to have them list the technologies in Palauan society in the past and then have them compare to the technology of today. In that way, they understand the whole meaning of technology and not think only of the technology as something electronic.

Unknown said...

I don't think technology is taking control, instead, it's the kids that are taking control. Kids learn way faster than most adults do, their still active and they learn faster because of their curiousity. I must say that the more white hair I grow the more that my brains becomes dull and it takes me forever to learn something new.

Aileen said...

As Lochl says it isn't technology that's taking control, it's the kids who are taking control. I think technology isn't the problem. It actually serves as an excellent tool in helping students become self directed learners. Kids today have all these new tools to help them learn things that we had to learn in boring ways. They now have the opportunities to learn their multiplication table playing interactive games unlike where we had to learn it by rote memorization. I think it is up to us as educators to also learn how to use these new inventions to help us educate our youth. As for our elder teachers who have no idea what they are doing when it comes to technology, this is where team work and collaboration comes in. Ask a younger teacher who knows what they are doing with technology to teach them something or set up a lesson for their students involving technology. What do you guys think?

Aileen said...
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Magaria said...

Sure they are way ahead as they are raised in the society where technology is everywhere within their grasp. It seemed to be a part of their daily existence and we shouldn't blame them.

What we need to do is learn and at the same time teach ourselves the proper usage of technology, enough to use it as a learning tool for teaching our students.

Delina said...

It's true kids nowadays are more advance with the technology but as an educator i believe that it is our resposibility to learn how to use the technology so we can also teach our students and integrate our lesson with the technology as well.

Unknown said...

This is true, a big thanks to technologies that broaden not only the teachers' resources but also create an accessable source for students. Technologies provide variety of resources that are available to teachers to choose what is applicable and use. Students are in to technologies for enjoyments, improvements and discoveries.

Pillar said...

I think technology has taken over our kids time and social life. Technology has opened up new ideas to help teachers teach students today to research, surf and find information faster than before. Unlike the old days where we need to go to the library and spend hours flipping through the encyglopedia to find resources, the resources are just a click a botton and they all come down. In a way, this is a good and fast way to get information across. However the technology have taken so much social and play time of our kids. The percentage of obesity has risen higher than ever before, showing that our kids are gaining more than the knowledge they get from technology. Oh well, we need to weigh between these new technology and see whether we really need to use more of it and make sure that it does not effect our kids health, after all, they are our future.

Rachel said...

I am thankful that technological advancement has helped most of our students and teachers alike in so many ways. Discovering and Sharing new ideas as well as Learning from others have helped us broaden our minds and horizons.Since we cannot control or avoid tehcnologies, we might as well make the most of it. However, we need to be aware of what we are getting ourselves and kids into. Screening out what we need to know and discarding what we do not need is what we should do.

Dirratumerang said...

First, we've got to figure out how our schools can get upgraded technology for student access or to match students' personal resources. At the same time, all teachers should upgrade their skills to match technology available. I feel like a case of "what the mind thinks but the body is not able..." Anyone got a million dollars to contribute to our school?

Meor said...

Yes, kids today are really good with these new technologies. They learn real fast and they learn by themselves. I think that as educators, we should make use of these new technologies and create new websites or blogs for our classrooms so that our students can display their works or voice their comments or concerns.

essie said...

Students today born with the technologies around them. It is true that they rather learned with computers browsing around the world instead of reading books.They learn computer faster than teachers,create their internet blog,registered in facebook, have their own url website. Teaching using the technologies motivate them more and help decrease the absenteeism and drop out from school.But our ministries technologies are out dated.

Gwen said...

Yes! Today's kids are tech fanatic, they are so into technology that they're losing the basic skills of writing like penmanship and soforth. However, the good thing about it is, the world is going forward so the skills that they're acquiring will definitely help them along the way.

Lou Ann said...

By:LouAnn, Kubarii, Melanie

We truly agree with what everyone says. We are in a computer age and almost everything we do requires a little bit of technological knowledge. Of course the kids today are really into technology unlike us "the old generation." Therefore, we need to keep upgrading ourselves so that we can keep up with the changes.